Legal details

Venus Hotel- und Gaststättenbetriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Lindenstrasse 45
36037 Fulda

Commercial Register: HRA6135
Registration Office: Fulda

Represented by:
Dr. John Armbrecht, Managing Director


Phone no.: +49 661 8330-0
Fax no.: +49 661 8330-555


VAT registration number according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act:

Responsible for the content

Dr. John Armbrecht



Technical implementation

Web and Host


All contents of our website, including texts, images, graphics, PDF documents are, unless expressly stated otherwise, protected by copyright, and may not be reproduced, modified, transmitted, reused or used in any other way for public or commercial purposes without our prior written consent. We would like to point out that any infringement of copyright or other proprietary rights may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

All trademarks, registered trademarks, trade names and brand names are the property of their respective legal owners.


Linking to the website of the Hotel Fulda Mitte is permitted and even desired without further enquiry.

General information about cookies

By using this website, you confirm as follows: “I consent to the use of so-called cookies and thus to the collection, storage and use of my usage data. Furthermore, I consent to my data being stored in cookies beyond the end of the browser session and, for example, being retrieved the next time I visit the website. I can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future by refusing to accept cookies in my browser settings.”

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As a rule, the help function in the menu bar of your web browser will show you how to reject new cookies and switch off those you have already received.

OS platform (Online Dispute Resolution)

As of 9 January 2016, disputes between consumers and traders in connection with online purchase contracts are to be settled via the online platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (ODR platform).

The platform is provided by the EU Commission and can be found at the link:

Technical notes

Standard conformity
When developing the website of Hotel Fulda Mitte, care was taken to ensure that the pages are largely XHTML1.0-compliant in accordance with the guidelines of the W3C.

Legal notice
Links from us to other websites
Links from to the Internet offers of third parties are to be regarded as recommendations. The correspondingly linked offers and their contents originate from the respective operators and are not our responsibility.
At the time of linking, none of the linked pages contained any statements relevant under criminal or civil law. If you have the impression that a link target does not fit our house, please send us an email so that we can check the corresponding page and remove the link from our website if necessary.

Links from other websites to us
We have no control over whether third parties link to from their websites. The existence of such links is not an indication of cooperation with these persons or companies or a recommendation of these offers.

We reserve the right to make changes or additions to our website at any time. Any liability claims caused by using our Internet offer are excluded.
